Monday 1 September 2008

Tip Trip!

Does anyone else enjoy going to the local tip with a car full of junk? I do. I love it! Does that make me strange? Okay, maybe it does, but I don't care.

I like seeing all the people with their own junk to get rid of. Some of it looks far too good to throw away. I like the bustle of the tip. I like dragging the stuff out of the back of my car and hurling it into one of the available skips...especially if it is glass. Most of all, I like the people who work at the tip. They consist of men and women of all ages, who are eager to help you with your load. They wear flourescent yellow waistcoats with 'HAPPY TO HELP' emblazoned across the back.

Last week I told Little Hector that he could come with me to the tip. I had a feeling he would enjoy it.

He wore special gloves and helped me to load up the car. When we got there, I showed him the various skips and he was careful to put wood into the one marked 'Wood' and metal into the one marked 'Metal'. He enjoyed it so much that with his face shining with joy, he informed me that he would work at the tip when he grew up.

I smiled. I understood exactly where he was coming from.

Later on that day, Little Hector's mummy came to collect him. He excitedly told her about the tip and also that he would work there when he was all grown up.

She stared at him for a long moment, then said sternly,

'Work at the tip! You can get that out of your head, RIGHT NOW!'

Ah well.

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